Description: --Poemsfrom Byron's Blood and Bone --Riders of the Deadline -- --Platform verse -- --Quarto 8 Ala 10 -- --Dondola palinode -- --Leaving hospital -- --Catharsis -- --Area Under the Curve -- --Bessmertie -- --Barbarismo e realidada -- --E il naufragar m'è dolce in questo mare -- --Never trust anyone who is rude to a waiter -- --The universal pig -- --Country fuckmyballs -- --Making Hey! -- --Question rhyme -- --Insomnia -- --Self-pity -- --The pause of death -- --Lala, não caçoa -- --Poetry can only survive if it has mutable forms -- --A difficult dwarf -- --The hemingway's dildo -- --The needle recall -- --Pela volta do termo Neurastênico -- --The Nhô pressure -- --Death who -- --Malakabeça -- --Spleen -- --The embalmer -- --Walking through cops -- --Planting zen -- --A pint of panick -- --Ich bin allein -- --Desculpe o auê -- --Three miles prank -- --Dead half -- --Parabellum cancelled -- --Apopologies -- --O liuro -- --From Down County -- --Resurrection -- --Sex education at Minerva Hotel -- --Disambiguazoni della Sapienza -- --Thanatos Live Stream-- --Bad aurea proportio -- Poems Down the Lake with Half a Choke -- --Death after death -- --Vestige writing -- --Para os deuses, ele tinha ido para casa -- --Suddenly a secret -- --Full erect leeches -- --The effect Buriti -- --Deadline -- --Rilke did it -- --Moments of trufa -- --Boogie Woogie Rangers 1965 -- --A farm in the high I am not sure -- --The devil's disgrammccarthyism -- --Será que amando eu durmo? -- --The ball kicks kicking -- --Delicious dirty dyke -- --Cedeu-se -- --Strangled prose with galinholas -- --The noistupid -- --Shooting cocks -- --Going back for a shag -- --The past erection -- --Poems from animal shite -- --Pregnant vowels -- --Milking the bull -- --Standard ratio studiorum -- --A farm in New York Philharmonic -- --The Ibizas -- --The big bwana -- --The cattle horror show -- --Second thoughts on Shipspotting -- --In a Saharian woodland -- --Superphosphate -- --Cajamarca phone -- --Five thousand dearest paddocks -- --Vida de santo map -- --The dry asshole -- --Shotgun tells his mother -- --Gestalt boobs -- --Lesbia Arantes do Nascimento -- --The nevertheless -- --Pastoral of a misfit-- --Poems from Up Your Ass-- --The end of the reas' on -- --She sighed for just a sec of melody -- --Allow, Lavinia -- --A note from Sade Station -- --After sharing zuzos -- --The nude and the quiet -- --Faceist parangolé -- --The rock fuckmycunt -- --Noël Coward's rural affairs -- --A half-remembered virtue -- --Bring my mules -- --Alegria de mesa -- --Mind space for drugs -- --European brejo -- --The rabbit at all -- --After a dry martini perhaps -- --Driving through Los Alamos -- --Unspecific anxiety wanting to be -- --Erosion and sanity -- --DJ vu -- --The poet's embalmer -- --Pig Parnaso -- --The cannots -- --A most parasite day -- --The verandah -- --Paguemos o Século -- --Hemos de Ser practice -- --So-and-so's famous poem -- --Getting through a quiet passion -- --The calling of Vaivém -- --Caraça's self-portrait -- --Non serviam -- --Saint Tropez I could understand -- --The new as well as you -- --Little eulogical -- --The slow garden -- --O my shining fannyguns wake -- --Hum penetrators -- --A memorial service -- --The kneel-down pier -- --Dispossessed -- --Bolshevik-Biocosmist -- --Poems from Things to Happen -- --Chiffons de papier -- --The tanga meaning -- --Bucolica -- --The land self -- --Tarsila não pinta "Mais" -- --A decaying form -- --The silvioromeros -- --A Elvira Pagô? -- --Scar horizon -- --The snake in the Lit Department -- --Woman with an axe -- --The exploding snake -- --Nocturno -- --To my dogs -- --Those yabadabadus -- --The klaxon -- --Incipiendum room -- --Her first poem -- --Blood reconnections -- --Diag noses -- --Haematopoietics -- --The sick pencil persevera -- --The last few gays and knights -- --Someone is where the hurt is -- --The poem's embalmer -- --Cyotoxic rigor -- --More light, more light -- --Wordy wordy dummy dummy -- --The excisional moment -- --Tia Melbourne -- --Kabelluda -- --Call it a dripper -- --Elizabethan fellows -- --"But wait" meme -- --Crude -- --Pleasea -- --O mar é acontecer -- --Lalinha, o chumbo do mundo